METS format
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The mets
(Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) format is available for books and journal issues (more info about types Document types). The aim of this format is to describe the metadata and the complete structure of the volume (book or journal issue).
The mets
format is documented on the Library of Congress website:
The list of available records in mets format can be found through OAI: (use resumptionToken to retrieve the complete list).
In OpenEdition OAI, a mets
record is divided into 3 main parts : one mets:structMap
, one mets:fileSec
and several mets:dmdSec
1. mets:structMap
The mets:structMap
element describes the tree structure of the volume.
elements are nested to describe the hierarchial organisation of the volume, parts, texts. Each mets:div
element is qualified with the following attributes:
: List of document typesORDER
: sequence number whitch defines the order of the documents relative to the parentdiv
: refer to theID
of the relevantmets:dmdSec
: descriptive label
Each mets:div
element refering to a document file have one or several mets:fptr
child element, with a FILEID
refer to the ID
of the relevant mets:file
1<mets:div LABEL="Voix de femmes" TYPE="part" DMDID="MD_OB_puv_2054" ID="SM_OB_puv_2054" ORDER="3">
2 <mets:div LABEL="Le harem des voyageuses et des résidentes : un Ailleurs radical" TYPE="chapter" DMDID="MD_OB_puv_2055" ID="SM_OB_puv_2055" ORDER="1">
3 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_basictei_2055"/>
4 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_tei_2055"/>
5 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_xhtml_2055"/>
6 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_pdf_2055"/>
7 </mets:div>
8 <mets:div LABEL="Le voyage de Blanche Lee Childe (1881-1882) ou les conservatismes à l’épreuve des altérités" TYPE="chapter" DMDID="MD_OB_puv_2056" ID="SM_OB_puv_2056" ORDER="2">
9 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_basictei_2056"/>
10 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_tei_2056"/>
11 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_xhtml_2056"/>
12 <mets:fptr FILEID="F_OB_puv_pdf_2056"/>
13 </mets:div>
2. mets:fileSec
The mets:fileSec
(File Section) element is a main element contaning mets:file
elements, one for each available format of each document described in the mets:structMap
The mets:file
element have a child node mets:FLocat
with an attribute xlink:href
providing the url of the ressource.
match mets:fileSec/mets:fileGrp/mets:file/@ID
1<mets:fileGrp ID="FG_OB_puv_2055">
2 <mets:file ID="F_OB_puv_xhtml_2055" MIMETYPE="text/html">
3 <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href=""/>
4 </mets:file>
5 <mets:file ID="F_OB_puv_pdf_2055" MIMETYPE="application/pdf">
6 <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href=""/>
7 </mets:file>
8 <mets:file ID="F_OB_puv_tei_2055" MIMETYPE="text/xml">
9 <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href=""/>
10 </mets:file>
11 <mets:file ID="F_OB_puv_basictei_2055" MIMETYPE="text/xml">
12 <mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href=""/>
13 </mets:file>
3. mets:dmdSec
Each mets:div
element used in the mets:strucMap
is described in a mets:dmdSec
(Descriptive Metadata Section) in dcterms. The metadata provided are the same as the metadata provided in QDC format.
The mets:dmdSec
have an ID
attribute matching the DMDID
of mets:div
elements available in mets:structMap
match mets:mets/mets:dmdSec/@ID
1<mets:dmdSec ID="MD_OB_puv_2055">
2 <mets:mdWrap MDTYPE="DC" LABEL="Dublin Core Descriptive Metadata" MIMETYPE="text/xml">
3 <mets:xmlData>
4 <dcterms:title>Le harem des voyageuses et des résidentes : un Ailleurs radical</dcterms:title>
5 <dcterms:type>chapter</dcterms:type>
6 <dcterms:creator>Lançon, Daniel</dcterms:creator>
7 <dcterms:subject xml:lang="fr" scheme="keywords">Orientalisme</dcterms:subject>
8 <dcterms:subject xml:lang="fr" scheme="keywords">littérature</dcterms:subject>
9 <dcterms:subject xml:lang="fr" scheme="keywords">francophonie</dcterms:subject>
10 <dcterms:subject xml:lang="fr" scheme="keywords">écriture</dcterms:subject>
11 <dcterms:subject scheme="ISI">Literature, Romance</dcterms:subject>
12 <dcterms:subject scheme="BISAC">LIT004150</dcterms:subject>
13 <dcterms:subject scheme="BIC">DSB</dcterms:subject>
14 <dcterms:description>Le xixe siècle marque l’apogée de la traite en terre d’islam ; traite qui est à l’origine même du système du harem. Sans doute deux millions de personnes ont-elles été concernées en Égypte par ce commerce dont plus de la moitié provenait de la vallée du Haut-Nil (actuels Soudan et Éthiopie-Somalie). Pour la seule année 1867, trente mille esclaves furent exportés du Soudan vers l’Égypte via le Nil ou la mer Rouge, en majeure partie des jeunes filles. Dans le même temps, plusieurs centaines de ...</dcterms:description>
15 <dcterms:publisher>Presses universitaires de Vincennes</dcterms:publisher>
16 <dcterms:language scheme="RFC1766">fr</dcterms:language>
17 <dcterms:issued scheme="W3CDTF">2015-03-10</dcterms:issued>
18 <dcterms:identifier scheme="URI"></dcterms:identifier>
19 <dcterms:extent>111-123</dcterms:extent>
20 <dcterms:identifier scheme="URN">urn:eisbn:9782842928728</dcterms:identifier>
21 <dcterms:identifier scheme="URN">urn:isbn:9782842924256</dcterms:identifier>
22 <dcterms:accessRights>info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess</dcterms:accessRights>
23 <dcterms:hasFormat scheme="TEI"></dcterms:hasFormat>
24 <dcterms:hasFormat scheme="BASICTEI"></dcterms:hasFormat>
25 </mets:xmlData>
26 </mets:mdWrap>